Public Projects
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Bids Due in 11 days
2/20/25 2:00pm
24064 Berry MS Athletic Restrooms and Storage Building (r)
Bids Due in 11 days
AHO Architects
Hoover, AL
*****This project REQUIRES A REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK made payable to Aho Architects LLC*****$300 PER SET*****
Bids Due in 17 days
2/26/25 2:00pm
5325006 Traffic Signal Detection Upgrades City of Pelham (nr)
Bids Due in 17 days
City of Pelham
Pelham AL
Traffic Signal Detection Upgrades at 11 sites
Bids Due in 2 days
2/11/25 2:00pm
2862 Addition and Renovations to Trussville Municipal Campus (nr)
Bids Due in 2 days
Turner Batson Architects
Trussville AL
Interior finishes and lighting renovations
Bids Due in 18 days
2/27/25 2:00pm
2023-01 Irondale Fire Station No. 3 (nr)
Bids Due in 18 days
Charles Williams & Associates
Irondale, AL
New fire station for the city of Irondale
Bids Due in 2 days
2/11/25 2:00pm
5325009 Pelham Civic Center Parking Lot Paving (r)
Bids Due in 2 days
Municipal Consultants Inc
Pelham AL
Paving Project at the Pelham Civic Center