Public Projects

Bids due in 17 days
9/26/24 1:30pm
2024-138 East Harbor Launch Ramp (nr)
Bids due in 17 days
Schoel Engineering
Huntsville AL
Construction of a new concrete boat launch ramp with associated paving and grading to provide ADA parking.
Bids due in 16 days
9/25/24 10:00am
2403GV Jon Archer Center Reroof
Bids due in 16 days
PH&J Architects, Inc.
Mobile, Alabama
Bidding Closed
9/9/24 4:30pm
Kenilworth Dr. Storm Sewer Improvements
Bidding Closed
City of Homewood
Homewood AL
Bids due in 10 days
9/19/24 2:00pm
2302GVA New Sally Port at the Baldwin County Courthouse
Bids due in 10 days
PH&J Architects, Inc.
Bay Minette, Alabama
Bids due in 10 days
9/19/24 2:00pm
2302GV Courthouse Covered Entry for Baldwin County Commission
Bids due in 10 days
PH&J Architects, Inc.
Bay Minette, Alabama
Bids due tomorrow at 2:00pm
9/10/24 2:00pm
3013 Competition Gymnasium Renovation to Opelika High School (nr)
Bids due tomorrow at 2:00pm
Turner Batson Architects
Opelika AL
Interior finishes and lighting renovations
Bids due in 3 days
9/12/24 2:00pm
23-03 Marion Co BOE Security Camera Systems DCM # 20240166
Bids due in 3 days
Andrea Clement Harbison
Marion Co. AL
Security Camera Systems interior / exterior for all Marion County Schools and Board of Education Office.
Bidding Closed
8/22/24 2:00pm
202324 DCM 2024023 Renovations to 1700 Yellowleaf Road Clanton AL REBID (r)
Bidding Closed
Mark Burns Architecture
Clanton AL
***** This project REQUIRES A DEPOSIT CHECK made payable to Mark Burns Architecture ***** $100 PER SET
Bidding Closed
9/5/24 2:00pm
22MIS04E Campus Electrical & High Voltage Repair Phase V (nr)
Bidding Closed
Consulting Construction Engineering
Montevallo, AL
Installation of electrical equipment to complete Loop #3 of electrical primary 15KV system.
Bidding Closed
8/20/24 2:00pm
22-081.00 SUSCC Hangar Training Facility (nr)
Bidding Closed
Williams Blackstock Architects
Opelika AL
*****This project REQUIRES A DEPOSIT CHECK made payable to Williams Blackstock*****$150 PER SET up to (2) sets*****